Olyn API Errors

Learn how Olyn handles errors in the API.


Olyn uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.

Olyn API HTTP Response status codes:

  • Codes in the 2xx range indicate success.
  • Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted).
  • Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Olyn's servers.

Some 4xx errors that could be handled programmatically include an error code that briefly explains the error reported. Developers could handle these types of errors programmatically.

HTTP Status Code Summary

The Olyn API has a defined set of possible Status codes to return depending on the Request execution. Here's a detailed list of all possible responses a developer can expect from the Olyn API

Response Status CodeDescription
200 - OKThe request has been acknowledged and fully processed correctly.
201 - CREATEDThe request has been acknowledged and fully processed correctly, creating a new resource.
204 - NO CONTENTThe request has been acknowledged and fully processed correctly, currently used only in the /health endpoint.
400 - BAD REQUESTThe request has been acknowledged and partially processed, often due a missing or bad parameter in the request.
401 - UNAUTHORIZEDThe request has been acknowledged and partially processed due an invalid API Key has been provided.
402 - REQUEST FAILEDThe request has been acknowledged and partially processed, due to the request was valid, but the connection was dropped.
403 - FORBIDDENThe request has been acknowledged and partially processed, due to the developer does not have permission to perform the specific request.
404 - NOT FOUNDThe request has been acknowledged and partially processed, due to the requested resource does not exist.
405 - METHOD NOT ALLOWEDThe request has been acknowledged and partially processed, due to the verb provided in the API request is not valid.
409 - CONFLICTThe request has been acknowledged and partially processed, due to colliding resources with the same identifier.
429 - TOO MANY REQUESTSThe request has been acknowledged and partially processed, due to the rate limit having exceeded the defined threshold.
500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERRORThe request has not been acknowledged and partially processed due to an internal Olyn error.
502, 503, 504 - SERVER ERRORSThe request has not been acknowledged nor processed.

Error Types

The Olyn API will provide a flag message in the body of the API response, its purpose is to provide a brief message of the error that happened inside the API, as some errors can happen in the process of sending the request to the API.

Error TypesDescription
INVALID_REQUEST_ERRORInvalid request errors arise when your request has invalid parameters.
AUTHENTICATION_ERRORFailure to properly authenticate to complete the request. This could be due to a bad API key, invalid Organization code, or a lack of the proper roles needed to interact with the endpoint.
FORBIDDENForbidden method type when accessing resources
NOT_FOUNDNot Found errors arise when your resource does not exist.
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWEDMethod not available for the caller, usually indicates that the service is not ready for that resource
CONFLICTConflict errors arise when a request conflicts with the current state of the target resource.
API_ERRORAPI errors cover any other type of problem (e.g., a temporary problem with Olyn's servers).

Error Codes

The Olyn API provides a descriptive error message for each error, detailing in most cases what was the cause of the issue. (e.g missing a parameter in the request, X resource not found, etc...)

# Standard Error Codes
  # Invalid request errors arise when your request has invalid parameters.
  # Forbidden Error
  # Bad Request Code Error raise
  # Not Found errors arise when your resource does not exist.
  # Conflict errors indicates a request conflict with
  #   current state of the target resource.
  # Accessing an endpoint with a wrong Method verb.

# Specific Olyn API Errors
  # Generic invalid ID
  # The owner is in an invalid format.
  # No delivery method specified
  # Metadata resource not found in DB
  # Metadata Type not supported
  # Metadata Key already exists
  # Invalid Payload Missing Fields
  # Generic Validation Error
  # Invalid Transaction Type
  # Invalid Transaction Payload
  # Invalid PublicKey
  # Blockchain Transaction not found
  # Transaction checks failed
  # Status for unit card registry not supported
  # Card Type not supported
  # Blockchain currently not supported
  # Key not found
  # Asset Type not valid
  # Raised when trying to access a resource and unauthorized request is done
  # Trying to use / update an incorrect status
  # Trying to set the current status as a new one.

Sample Error Responses

Authentication Error:

{"error": {"type": "AUTHENTICATION_ERROR"}}

Key Not Found Error:

{"error": {"type": "NOT_FOUND","code": "KEY_NOT_FOUND"}}

Get API Keys

Learn how Olyn communicated and defines versions in order for developers to keep services up-to-date.